Spaghetti Bingo Annual Fundraiser

Our Most Popular
Event of the Year!
Get your tickets today and join us for a family-friendly night of fun at our Spaghetti Bingo fundraiser on one of two nights – March 15th or March 22rd. Ticket prices include all-you-can-eat spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, soft drinks, desserts and 6 bingo cards. Additional bingo cards, raffle tickets, and beer and wine will be available for purchase and there will be many great items on the silent auction. Tickets will sell out so be sure to get yours today!
March 15

March 22
Spaghetti Bingo Volunteers
Our 11th annual Spaghetti Bingo fundraiser is two weekends in a row, on Sat. March 15 & Sat. March 22. We will do some set-up on Fri. March 14. There are many ways to help! Click here to sign up!