Cats and dogs can become good friends.
Read on for tips on safe and low stress introductions.

There are several things to consider before introducing a new dog to your existing cat. You must protect their health by making sure vaccinations for both are up-to-date and each is free of worms and fleas. Cats are very territorial and often do not appreciate any change in their environment. Therefore, no matter what, this will be a stressful situation for your cat. Be sure your cat is mentally and physically healthy before introducing her to a dog. And make sure YOU are ready to accept that your cat may be upset for several weeks as the cat and dog work their new situation out. Too often, humans pull the plug too soon and miss out on the opportunity to have a successful dog-cat household.
To get your cat started, ask a friend to bring the dog to your home or if you have already selected a dog for adoption be sure the dog is on a leash and under control at the time of arrival. Be sure the dog does not have a history of hurting cats. That is very important! If your cat does not run and hide upon initial meeting, let him make the first advances toward the new dog. If the dog lunges or barks, pull the dog back quickly to protect the cat. But know that an intial bark is not the end of the game! Sometimes dogs have never seen cats and are just plain curious! A dog that barks aggressively or lunges for more than several minutes without the ability to redirect his attention away from the cat may not be a good fit!