Positive Dog Solutions info@positivedogsolutions.com 202-630-0249 www.positivedogsolutions.com
This is a behavior common in dogs. How dogs react to other dogs on leash is often not indicative of how the dog will be with other dogs off leash. The leash limits the options for the dog. It does not mean you have an aggressive dog, but rather suggests several conflicting emotions that your dog may be experiencing such as fear, excitement, and frustration. For some dogs, they may not want to meet the other dog and so become defensive. For others, it may be an expression of frustration when they want to greet another dog but are not allowed to do so. The person holding the leash may be a bit nervous and put tension on the leash and give a variety of conflicting information to the dog. Before you know it, meeting another dog becomes a stress-filled situation for both dog and human that escalates over time. The dog has now learned to associate meeting other dogs while on leash with emotional upset. This emotional upset drives the dog’s behavioral response to cope with a stressful situation. Especially when the underlying emotion is fear, the reactive behavior you witness is driven by the fight or flight response. Just like people do not choose to be afraid of flying, heights or spiders, dogs do not choose to be fearful of other dogs. Thus, we focus on changing the emotion. We do this by associating other dogs with good things. If we punish the reaction we can create a learned association for the dog that approaching other dogs is scary/unpleasant AND it means I (the dog) get punished. It causes more stress and escalates the unwanted behavior.
What to do?
Manage real life by avoiding any bad associations with other dogs off and on leash.