Pulling up stakes and transporting oneself and one’s goods to a new address is truly a moving experience. It may even be more so for family feline, who doesn’t know what it’s all a bout – only that the owner is suddenly boxing up the books and rolling up the rugs.

Indeed, to the cat it may seem the world is turning upside down, reassurances from the humans notwithstanding. Household pets thrive on routine, as do most of us, but cats are especially attached to their territory and a move can be most traumatic. For the well-being of the pet, take some precautions before, during and after the move to minimize the shock.
Moving Day
the Carrier
Day Nears
For some cats, the worst part of the move is not the “during,” but the “after”;settling into a new environment. Don’t be surprised if the animal shows behavioral changes – hiding, nervousness or lack of appetite for a few days.
For some cats, the worst part of the move is not the “during,” but the “after”;settling into a new environment. Don’t be surprised if the animal shows behavioral changes – hiding, nervousness or lack of appetite for a few days.
To ease the cat’s adjustment upon arrival, keep the cat it its carrier for a few hours.Leave it in a quiet room that cam be closed off from the rest of the house(although you should visit often and offer plenty of reassurance). When the carrier is opened, have the familiar litter box, toys, food and water bowls ready and waiting nearby.
After the pet feels comfortable in this room, open the door to one additional room. Once the cat feels secure here, open the door to another room, and so on. This way, the animal always knows where “home base” is and can return to it should it feel frightened or uneasy. Depending on the temperament of the cat, it will take from a week to two months for the cat to call the place its own. But with time and lots of love, the family feline will eventually come to realize there’s no place like home, wherever it may be.
This information is courtesy of the San Francisco Cat Behavior Helpline