Pet Partner Program Helping those in Need
Our on-the-ground work through our Trails UP program has led us to meet many wonderful people caring for MANY animals – oftentimes those they find abandoned on their property.
For many of these animal lovers, it is a struggle to feed and care for their human families let alone the four-legged creatures that depend on them. This program provides vital support to these people and gives our volunteers a glimpse into the everyday life and challenges that animal lovers in our under-resourced communities face.
Our Pet Partner Program matches HT volunteers with specific animal caretakers in rural, low-income areas who struggle to care for their animals.
This is an incredibly individualized, rewarding way to help animals and the people who love them! Please contact to learn more about this program.

Last week I had to choose between getting my diabetes medication or buying food for the cats I feed. I chose the cats.
It is vital that Pet Partners be active on social media and/or have a solid email network to share the needs of their partner and secure donations. We help you set all of this up, but your sharing and communication is what makes it work!

If you would like to make a direct difference in the life of an animal caretaker and the animals he or she cares for, please consider joining us. We will match you up with an individual or family right away and get you started!
Here is some feedback from one caretaker who just received donated items via Amazon from their Pet Partner:

Today I received cat and dog food, litter and straw for my animals and I cannot be more thankful. This winter has been so hard with my husband’s illness and us both being out of work. We love the animals who have come to us like family and this partner has been truly lifesaving. Thank you so much.

Contact if you would like to become a Pet Partner!