Gift Acceptance Policy
Rescuing and caring for animals can be very expensive. Your financial and in-kind donations allow us to save thousands of deserving cats and dogs each year and provide them with food, temporary shelter and critical veterinary care.
Below you will find the types of donations we accept.
Financial Donations
Homeward Trails Animal Rescue solicits and accepts gifts that are consistent with its mission and that support its core programs and special projects.
Homeward Trails urges all prospective donors to seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisors in matters relating to their gifts, including the resulting tax and estate planning consequences
Monetary Donations
Monetary donations will generally be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies, or other entities, without limitations.
Vehicle Donations
Donations of vehicles are accepted through third party vehicle donation platforms. Click here for more information.
Homeward Trails may accept donations of real property, personal property, and stock.
Certain types of gifts must be reviewed prior to acceptance due to the special liabilities they may pose for Homeward Trails. Examples of gifts which will be subject to review include gifts of real property, gifts of tangible personal property, and gifts of securities. Please e-mail for further information.
Tangible personal property includes art, jewelry, coin and stamp collections and collectibles that are donated to Homeward Trails with the understanding that they will be sold. Homeward Trails will consider the following when offered a gift of tangible personal property: a) Value – The value of the gift must outweigh the cost to administer, maintain, store and sell it. b) Marketability – The item must be readily marketable. We will also consider any additional costs that may be involved with its sale. c) Restrictions – Acceptance of the item may also depend on whether the donor has requested any restrictions on the use, display or sale of the item. d) Gift Transfer Costs – The donor must be willing and able to finance the packing, shipping, delivery, insurance and other costs associated with transferring the gift to Homeward Trails. If Homeward Trails sells the item within three years of receipt, we will report the sale to the IRS through the submission of Form 8282 and provide the donor with a copy of this form. Homeward Trails encourages donors to consult with a tax professional regarding the donation and deductibility of tangible personal property.
Homeward Trails will seek the advice of legal counsel in matters relating to acceptance of gifts when appropriate.
In-Kind Donations
Donations of services in-kind are welcome subject to the approval of Homeward Trails management. The value of donated services will be recognized at fair market value. Please contact to discuss a donation of a service. In-kind Donations of Goods Our community is incredibly generous in supporting our organization through donations of items which means that we are often overwhelmed by the amount of donations we receive on a regular basis.
Excess items that we cannot use take time, money, and space from our animals by requiring staff time to sort them, space to store them while we try to make arrangements to pass them on, and costs associated with additional staff time, trash collection or trips to the landfill.
Acceptance of any contribution is at the discretion of Homeward Trails Animal Rescue will not accept any in-kind gift unless it can be used or expended consistently with the purpose and the mission of Homeward Trails. Homeward Trails has created a list of guidelines to help ensure that all donations of goods and products help further it’s mission in a meaningful way. In general, a donated good or product must (a) directly support our animals or staff, or (b) provide an opportunity to raise funds through its sale. If you are considering donating an item to Homeward Trails, please review the following information to determine if it meets our qualifications. If you have questions, or would like to make a donation, please contact
All donations should be clean and in good working order. Dirty crates and litterboxes can lead to the transmission of disease and chewed and broken leashes, harnesses and toys pose a safety hazard to our animals.
Donations will be accepted at the Homeward Trails Manny Law Adoption Center between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00pm 7 days a week.
Items that are accepted by Homeward Trails become the property of the organization and may be re-donated, sold or discarded as needed.
In-kind donation receipts will be available at the time of donation. We do not include a value for the donated item(s), per IRS regulations.
Please consult with a tax advisor if you have questions regarding the deductibility of your donation.
Items Accepted
Donated goods and products fall into different categories, with separate considerations for each: a) Items that can be used directly by our animals or staff. b) Items that may be used in support of our fundraising events. c) items that can be transferred to our partner organizations
Homeward Trails accepts the following types of in-kind gifts: