Adopt a Pet
Pet Adoption Process
Adopting a pet is a SERIOUS COMMITMENT. We strongly encourage anyone thinking about adding a fuzzy member to their family to do their research and be ready for this commitment. Take a moment to read through this short but helpful Are You Ready to Adopt? page. And please carefully consider the financial obligation you will take on when adopting a new family member. It is important to be sure you can properly care for your pet now and in the future. We will also be happy to work with you to figure out what kind of pet is best for you. If you want to have a pet in your home but aren’t sure you can make the 10-20 year commitment, consider fostering pets.
Homeward Trails Animal Rescue will work directly with you, the prospective adopter, providing individualized attention and support in order to help you find the perfect pet for your family. We also suggest you take the time to read through the many resource documents on our website to prepare yourself for the many things that adoption will bring!
We provide as much information on each animal’s history, disposition and health as we can gather. We strongly believe that honesty is the best policy. We want each of our animals to find the RIGHT home, not just ANY home. Likewise, we want you to find the pet who best matches your lifestyle and interests.